
اسرار الشريطية لفحص السيارات Secrets of the stripe to examine the car

"Secrets of ribbon in the examination of any car"

* These are some of the ways to check the car used by Crwha And that God help you ....

1 / plumbing:

Which is the subject of a long-shortened it as much as possible to 0 before everything Open the four doors and condoms and the suitcase background and fuel cap fully dimensional long you Ibelk check in the corners and turns in a very precise (notice the eyes of the stripe How Saerp) If checked and saw the paste base, which is after the dye of Foreign Affairs directly to the color red or close to it, this is a sign that the car accident happened to her and plumbing.

2 - Enter your finger in aliasing which is usually inside the door and with a circular or semi-circular area if you notice this very rough second marker (DO plumbing workshops are now trying to hide such information from the eyes of people is not cheating, but art)
3 - If the old plumbing the naked eye (What I mean who was appointed as the appointed bar bar microscope) insight Altagaerfi dye car from each other and very clear.

4 - notice some people or most of them beats Albdi outer with his hand and listened to the reaction of issue of this resolution or that this movement show a plumbing how I tell you ... First Place your ear close to Moktn sound If the sound is very silencer or another, this indicates the plumbing in the car (how silencer means such as a sound wall if your hand is influenced by means Maisdr cavity resonance or sound) Finally, the roads are many and complex topic on the plumbing!! For the information of the plumbing down from the value of the car approximately 30 to 40% of the value of the car.

2 / temperature of the car:
If the car is cold (in the sense that they parked more than 10 hours) Can find out by running the car and immediately go to the exhaust (Alchukman) and put Your hand if the air temperature is hot and much is very clear, this means that In the car a bug in the headers at the machine and this is costly for those who want to purchase. Second: If the car is heated immediately proceed to (cartridges) from outside (Radiator) and Ikbis it with your hand strongly ossified, so if this is a sign that the car in extreme heat (It may be tough in this simple Aaaaaadi) Which prompted me to piece, because some weak souls disables hour heat and say time is down and the car is about to explode from the heat Others put the pin from inside the configurable stop the increase of heat index and makes it half for example, and other matters that fall within the modern prophet, peace be upon him to say (who deceives is not of us).

CAUTION: How do you know that the car in front of you car rental office (and most market) may see luxury cars do not believe they rent a car must be careful!

1 / If the car is expensive, you just need to take her own And inquiring of the management of traffic your way and prove that the owner was a company or organization or individual.

2 / If the car is cheap, you just need to consider the bottom of the configurable (see the glue on the nail or waxing configurable) And another if the car had driven more than 500 A. This is further evidence (not often) that this car is a car rental. Inquiry and the way of traffic and best believe .....

CAUTION: How do you know that the machine (engine) car has been dismantled (and packed) are as follows:

1 - Please note the machine screws and feel on your hand, you may notice The effects of the jaw and the keys to clear out this one of the largest directories on the packed This was followed by luck or new cars that have not lifted eyes see the red paint on each nail and can not give a Because if you saw the dye to nail it hit the impact screwdrivers This shows you that there is a game beware!

2 _ if the machine is clear replacement for you in this one A consideration of (chairs) machine, you may notice the effects of jaw By this evidence of a jaw If this is just as likely that the car in need for the installation of (Bring) or (Rblatt) chairs the machine for maintenance and is not necessary As a replacement .... It remains possible that only careful! Required

* Cars are divided into three sections:

The first type: four-wheel drive cars is power, as they say what is small in size (such as Subaru _ and a type of Mazda)
And large size, such as different kinds of pockets and heavy transport vehicles such as trailers and some other headers ...

The second type: rear-wheel drive are a number of cars in between us and cited two examples (Aldasn _ Alhilkks)
And other ....
The third type: front-wheel drive and used a lot of us at the present time what is bad and what is good
And what is the center cited two examples of the type and not for the presence (Alchorla _ Aloksnt)

* SUV /
Do not tire yourself never examined on a flat surface .....
You have the following: 1 - Remove you and the seller to the sandy soil (Nfod) and run the air conditioner and (God knows) of the Kfar to be approximately 18 scale air (because any pocket can not walk on the sand without (Modded) tires no matter what his strength and his grandmother)

2_ Place the engine front-wheel drive (Dubl) Balkhvev Ahilk then pull the longest Tas Old Bcoic (no fluctuation)

Duration 10 minutes only gives you a map of Cafe Alcaaaaaamlp for Pocket PC
3_ open the window Wolff rapid movement of the right until the end and if Dowoowos Bakowop Baekos front Vacations
You will hear the rumble and strange noises
(No matter how you said it Salehbha simple things do not believe him and the cost of the 2500 See You)
And try Paljha left as well as
4_ no luck who said how long the heat up if the car what you (Onhac)
5 _ Place the engine front-wheel drive (Balthagil) was then applied Matabgueth Baldbl light but there is a point should not be stomping it strongly because it paid attention to Balguiar heavy ...!
6_ Ovs Dubl final then love Balrios R if Tmatik Odas back and make sure that Makhalafk a note Alrios
I mean, if Guiarin to edit Aldrickson will walk quickly Balrios 120 (really stunning piece of information)
If no one noticed parts and make sure of the manufacturer by calling the company for example and to address the technical
If any unusual change it manually luck only sound

7_ After all this, if the car Mortfp temperature and heard strange noises you have to go to a flat surface
Then extinguishes the car and wait for 10 _ 15 minutes after filling the car and move forward to the promised place
Check out the car and you see oil or water or anything left by the car
If the car smuggling will appear without revealing artistic and see spots on the ground
8 _ a practical lesson (note the rank of Saerp Limousine how much to use and very Atip)

Rear-wheel drive * /

1 - I use the refills all of 1 _5 _6 and Alrios r
2_ try to accelerate the car as much as possible and noted Riggae or delete it right or North and other voices of the air and the sounds of Differential and the engine and other
3 _ then stopped the car on a dirt floor flat and Tefye the engine and wait for 10 -15 minutes, and observe the Zeta or Mea
Or anything that escapes from the car
4_ fill the car air conditioner and watch the heat

* Payment front /

1 - fill the car air conditioner and make it for a period of not less than quarter of an hour, and observe the temperature of the car

2 - Turn right to the other and then move sent a strong movement of the right to notice the sound or rattling sound iron

3 - Turn to face the left also noted the sound or Clank

4 _ Rios to drive a short distance, but not in Z Alrios because most front-wheel drive develop further Alrios
With them for long distance (this is a bug and it is reasonable that a person will travel to Rh), but until it is clear that there is a bug in the asphalt or not

5 - the last command if you suspect that it is not the car meter Bhakiqi
Simply go to the status of the driver if they (and Atip) a lot of use of this evidence that the used car lot and it is clear that there is a game Batablon


:: Notes::
1_ all the cars on gasoline dos Dosat consecutive if white smoke (Onhac)
If these simple black smoke filter only and does not harm
2 _ If you run a car cool and out of the exhaust white smoke and then I stop
This would not hurt the skin Plouffe manual (with the option to decrypt the machine and change them)
But if the car is clean and is not recommended Pfkha walking to 5 years or more ...


Very sorry to prolong ... That God help you in the future,,,

على الرحب والسعه
